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My classroom loves to read! Scholastic is a popular company that gives teachers, parents, and students  access to many teaching resources, lesson plans, book lists, and educational resources to enhance student learning. The reading book club allows for parents, teachers, and students to pick out and order good fit books. I have filled my classroom library with these books. There are also many newsletters, articles, and weekly picks for each grade level. 


Sumdog is an engaging, adaptive website that allows students to practice Math and ELA skills. The games are free to play, either at home or at school. Some games can also be played multiplayer which means students have the opportunity to play against students around the world! I have a membership with Sumdog in order to receive to reports on student progress and monitor student growth. My students enjoy spending time on Sumdog weekly during our computer lab time. 

Raz - Kids

Raz - Kids is a website my students use often during Daily 4 time within my classroom. Students can log in to listen to books for modeled fluency, read books for practice, and even record themselves reading texts that are at their level. This is wonderful website because students can log in anytime, anywhere. They have access to this at home and even during the summer. Teachers can view reports online for their entire classroom or individual students to monitor reading and student progress throughout the year!

Everyday Math

Within my district we use the Everyday Math curriculum. Daily, I use this website to inform my instruction and plan my math lessons. Through this website I obtain access to e-books, presentations, videos and other materials to help me teach math lessons. Students may also gain and access this site by logging in to follow along with lesson,  play games, and use virtual manipulatives to engage in their math learning. 

Journeys Resources


Brain Pop

BrainPOP is a wonderful resource for students and teachers alike. Within my classroom I use BrainPOP often to show my students short animated movies which are designed to present topics within all subjects to reinforce learning. These videos include science, social studies, English, math, technology, health,  arts, and music. Students love the characters within the short films. There are also short quizzes for students that can be implemented after watching the videos. My students love BrainPOP!

All photos link to the site from which they came.

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