I am a child-centered, reflective practitioner who utilizes data effectively to strategically and creatively differentiate learning for all learners. I grow greatness in students by empowering them through leadership opportunities.
Hello! My name is Cara Hillebrand. I received my undergraduate degree in Elementary Education from Michigan State University with a focus in Language Arts. After graduating from MSU, I quickly accepted a job in Phoenix, AZ and I could not wait for a new adventure in the Valley of the Sun. I enjoyed acclimating to a new climate, climbing mountains on the weekends, and teaching third grade at Pena Elementary School in Phoenix, but shortly after completing the school year, I decided to return home to Michigan to be with my fiancé.
Soon after returning to Michigan, I accepted a third grade teaching position in Union City. After a wonderful year, but commuting over eight hours a week, I decided I needed to find a job closer to home. That is what lead me to find my dream job teaching second grade in Grand Ledge. I absolutely love the children, the community, and I finally feel at "home".
Now, I am preparing for a wedding in September and finishing up my masters degree from Michigan State University. I am excited for the upcoming school year and to continue learning and implementing my new knowledge to help grow future leaders!
About Me
The first and last two pictures on this page are my own.
Permission was granted to use photos of students.
Photo credit for the comet picture: