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I believe in creating and maintaining a classroom learning community in which…

  • A teacher should foster independence and personal responsibility by using authentic praise.

  • Students should be involved in determining rules, policies, procedures, and consequences. A teacher needs to build on strengths.

  • The classroom should be run like a community in which the classroom policies coincide with school policies.

  • Management addresses actions not personal characteristics where students always have a chance for redemption.

  • Teachers have to plan accordingly for pacing, handling materials, and grouping students.

  • Established policies and procedures must be consistent.

  • Management strategies are varied, logical, and consequence based.

  • The physical and emotional safety of students is always preserved.

  •  Student reflection needs to be the focus.

  • Parents and guardians should be involved when appropriate.

Our Class Mission

Our Class Mission

As a class, we created this mission statement defining what our classroom community looks and feels like.

Leadership Jobs

Leadership Jobs

To create a sense of community and responsibility in the classroom, students applied and interview for Leadership Jobs which they are responsible for every day.

Plus Delta Chart

Plus Delta Chart

Students check in at the end of each day to see how they are living into their class mission.

Pledge of Respect

Pledge of Respect

Every morning the students say the Pledge of Respect, reminding them to respect themselves and others.

Timely Transitions

Timely Transitions

When students earn ten timely transitions they get five extra minutes of recess.

Class Compliments

Class Compliments

When students reach 25 class compliments they get to pick a surprise from the mystery box.

The Mystery Box

The Mystery Box

Students get to pick a prize from the mystery box when they receive twenty-five class compliments.



Student shine in line so they are leaders in the hallway!

Behavior Bingo

Behavior Bingo

When a student is consistently following directions and setting an example for the rest of the students, they will be asked to add their name to the Behavior Bingo board. Once all the squares are filled, a card will be drawn and whoever's name is on that square gets to have lunch with the teacher.

Pulling Sticks

Pulling Sticks

Sticks are pulled to create equality in the classroom. Pulling sticks also holds all students accountable because they are picked at random.



Students are encouraged to eat healthy in the classroom. They bring green light snacks every day.

We live by the 7 Habits

We live by the 7 Habits

We begin with the end in mind with our Learning Targets.

All photos on this page are my own.

Permission was granted to use photos of students.

Classroom Community

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